Crafting connections: the power of social opportunities for people-person writers and editors.

Claire Cronshaw in a room at the 20 Books Conference
A photo of me at the 20 Books Conference in 2022 – before my red hair.

Who cares about boxes, right? We’re all just who we are. But here’s the thing. I used to wrongly label myself as introverted. I even went to a conference once for introverts. But the more I think about it, the more I realise that label doesn’t suit me. I’m twitchy in certain situations, for sure. But that doesn’t make me introverted.

What I’ve come to realise is how much energy I gain from other people in situations where I feel comfortable. Other people give me a boost; they don’t drain me of my reserves.

Which is why yesterday I was buzzing. Because I had a good day of people. I started with a coffee and a walk with a pal after the school run. A much-needed catch-up. Later, I met four members of my accountability group (other editors) for a Zoom. There was something in the water. We were all a bit giddy and we had a fun meeting. And then last night I went to the local writers’ cafe. One hour of writing time sandwiched between two half hours of bookish chat. You can’t get better than that.

And all this social interaction fit comfortably around the four hours or so of client work I did. I’m on the last leg of an edit of a sci-fi book with a really interesting premise. It’s ambitious, lyrical and there’s some really cool worldbuilding. I’m really enjoying it.

A quieter day today but that’s okay. Need to get my head down and get as much editing done as I can before the schools break up tomorrow. Better crack on!

If you’re someone who gets a boost from being around other people, I hope you have the opportunity to do that. Even if it’s a Zoom, it really helps. Authors, editors: if you need any ideas for how to bring in opportunities for interaction into what otherwise might be a quiet day job, I’ve got suggestions. Let me know if you need help finding your people.

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Published by clairecherryedits Indie Fiction Specialist. Line Editing. Copy Editing. Proofreading.

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